Media Placements

Media Placements – 01/15/20

January 15, 2020

Mushrooms in the News: 01-15-2020

This week, Mushroom Council earned an array of large national feature stories from a variety of sources.

On national TV, Registered Dietitian Annessa Chumbley shared her recipe for blended Hearty Tomato Soup in a segment that aired on the Hallmark Channel.

In print, Health Magazine published a full-page illustrative feature reporting on “Reasons to Love Mushrooms,” with a nod to the Mushroom Council.

National Restaurant Association unveiled that chefs, menu developers and other restaurant industry members have named The Blend a top 2020 food trend in the “What’s Hot” 2020 Culinary Forecast. It also named mushrooms the “hottest produce item.”

Mushrooms are praised for their nutritional benefits and ability to add “meatiness” to meat dishes in Food & Nutrition Magazine. “Add chopped mushrooms to meat to increase a dish’s B vitamins, selenium and dietary fiber; mushrooms that are exposed to vitamin D content, too,” explains Serena Ball, MS, RD.

In the trades, And Now U Know and The Packer shared the horoscope social media campaign.





The Mushroom Horoscope posts continue to engage and excite fans. This week’s posts shared Taurus, Gemini and Cancer and resulted in:

Results include:

  • 1,237+ link clicks to Horoscope blog post
  • 155+ shares
  • Comments include:
    • I love this (Molly Katzen, well known food writer)
    • Don’t know that I’ve eaten a Beech mushroom but looking forward to finding and enjoying them 
    • Horoscopes are malarkey, but I enjoy having a new (to me) mushroom to discover and enjoy
    • I usually block every ad I get but this? This is wholesome. Thank you Zodiac Mushroom
    • ? ? ? ? This got me cracked up
    • my husband and son are Scorpios, and musicians, so of course they get the Trumpet mushroom 
    • Yellow Oyster! I wonder what I taste like? 

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