Media Placements

Media Placements – 03/04/20

March 4, 2020

Mushrooms in the News: 03-04-2020

Mushrooms were included in a list of environmentally friendly swaps on Popsugar. The article explained, “eating more mushrooms is as simple as chopping them to match the consistency of ground beef and adding them to tomato sauce for a mushroom ‘bolognese.’”

In the trades, The Packer, The Produce News and Produce Blue Book informed readers about the new Mushroom Council remix campaign.

The 2020 Power of Meat study was covered in Supermarket News this week. A key takeaway from the study includes, “blended vegetable/meat items, such as mushroom burgers, have a higher and greater cross-population appeal, and can be a bridge to the societal and health benefits people look for, while keeping meat on the plate.”





This week, MC launched the “Remix Your Recipe” digital ad campaign. The Remix campaign features YouTube ads and animated banner ads that will run on targeted websites. All of the online ads take users to a special campaign landing page to learn about The Blend, find recipes and more. 

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