Coppell ISD Finds School Meal Success with Build Your Own Ramen Bars!
At Mushrooms in Schools, we love sharing success stories from districts across the country. We know that so many schools are thinking outside the box and finding solutions to encourage students to enjoy more healthy school meals, and their successes can inspire other districts to do the same.
Our featured success story this month comes from Coppell ISD in Texas, where they’ve found success launching a new concept for the district: a Ramen Noodle Bar!
Coppell ISD: A Passion for Food
Coppell Child Nutrition Programs is led by Jean Mosley, a nationally known leader in school nutrition. By her side is Chef Helen Duran, whose passion for tasty real school food inspires her to continually challenge herself to feed more kids what they want to eat. Chef Helen’s personal mission is to “increase vegetarian options in the cafeterias, make food more interesting thereby increasing overall health of the students and teachers in the district, and increase local food purchasing such as the featured November Harvest of the Month with local Texas mushrooms!” A mission we can all identify with!

See how Coppell ISD celebrated mushrooms as their Harvest of the Month in November by checking out their handouts and education materials below!
New Trends, New Flavors, New Customers
Coppell ISD recently introduced an instant student favorite, the Ramen Noodle Bar. This on trend option hits so many of the students’ wants: appealing to both vegetarian or meat lovers with the same dish, topping it according to their own choices, and featuring local produce like mushrooms. After testing and refining all recipes, the team rolled out the concept site by site to ensure consistent execution. After a few more tweaks to add more heat to the dish, they had a winning concept that was an instant hit!

This district has generously shared their recipes for vegetarian and chicken broth as well as their schematic so the students can top it their way with quality, variety and local produce. Thank you to the entire team at Coppell ISD!
Want to try Coppell’s ramen bar in your own district? Download their recipes below!

About Coppell ISD
District Name: Coppell ISD, Coppell, TX
Contact Name: Jean Mosley, Director of Child Nutrition, [email protected] and Chef Helen Duran, Culinary Nutrition Trainer, [email protected]
Website: https://www.coppellisd.com/Page/566
Menus: https://coppellisd.nutrislice.com/menus-eula
Instagram: cisdchildnutrition
Facebook: @CISDChildNutrition
Twitter: @CISDNutrition @Coppellisd
Enrollment: 12,895
% Free and Reduced: About 18%
Number of Sites: 18
Central Kitchen: No
Do all schools have kitchens? Yes
Co-Op: Independent
The Mission of the Coppell ISD Child Nutrition Department is to provide quality nutritious meals in a customer-focused environment. By working together as a team, we will strive to learn and improve through continuous training so that our students will be able to develop healthy minds and bodies.
Texas Map Coppell ISD (cop-ELL) is a premier public school system with a statewide reputation for educational excellence. This high-performing and innovative district serves over 13,100 learners in the communities of Coppell, Dallas (Cypress Waters), North Irving, Lewisville and Valley Ranch.
The majority of Coppell ISD is located in Coppell, TX, a suburb of Dallas. The city of over 39,000 residents is positioned approximately 5 miles northeast of the DFW Airport…north of Interstate 635 and west of I-35E.
Although the City of Coppell is just over 14 sq. mi. in size, the school district spans over 23 sq. mi.
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