Shipping Reports

Monthly Shipping and Marketing Report | May 2024

May 29, 2024

Council Update

Council Meeting: The next Council meeting will be held on Wednesday & Thursday, June 19-20 in Minneapolis. If you are interested in attending the Council meeting, please let us know so we can be sure you are accommodated.

Mushroom Council Calls for Nominations

Nominations are now closed. Ballots will be mailed on June 3 please be on the lookout for your ballot via email and postal mail

  • Region 1 (All states except CA & PA) – One open position, one-year term (2025-2025)
  • Region 2 (PA) – Two open positions, three-year terms (2025-2027)
  • Region 3 (CA) – One open position, three-year term (2025-2027)

Mushroom growers have ideas, skills, experiences, and perspectives that would benefit the industry; be a voice for your industry by becoming part of the Council.

Eligibility: All producers who produce, on average, over 500,000 pounds of mushrooms annually for fresh use and are not exempt may vote one or more candidates, provided that they produce within the specified region. To vote, an individual must be a producer. Producer means any person engaged in the production of mushrooms who owns or shares the ownership and risk of loss of such mushrooms and who produces, on average, over 500,000 pounds of mushrooms per year for the fresh market and not exempt from paying assessments.

For more information, please contact [email protected].

Shipment Summary

Topline Report

Tracker Highlights – Period ending 04/21/2024

Access the latest in mushroom sales at retail with the Circana reporting for the weeks ending April 21st 2024.

  • Foodservice inflation continued to be above-average, leading to a continued home-centric landscape.
  • and Technomics confirm that some of the typical restaurant traffic has shifted to retail formats. Convenience stores, supermarkets and supercenters have seen an increase in traffic.
  • Dollar and unit sales are starting to level out across departments, with produce being one of the strongest performers.
  • Prior year fresh mushroom patterns persist, reflecting a slight decrease in quad-week-over-quad-week sales.
  • Year-on-year, fresh mushroom dollars, units and volume were down around 3%.
  • Because of the Easter holiday, the four-week trends showed a higher percentage of white mushrooms and 16-ounce packages.

Download your copy of the quick two-page summary, the plug and play PowerPoint ready for use, and the in-depth Excel data file.

Channel Highlights




  • Mushroom Monday will continue throughout June
  • Keep an eye out for more tasty Chef’s Roll content
  • The Mushroom Council will be hosting an event in NYC on June 17th – keep an eye out for social content to interact with!


  • We encourage other channels to amplify Mushrooms in Schools by sharing posts on Facebook and  Twitter
  • Mushrooms in Schools will be attending the National CACFP Conference and Head Start Conference, where we will have to opportunity to speak with operators and share our resources.  Mushrooms in Schools has recipesresources, and marketing materials for schools and day care centers to engage students this month.
  • Mushrooms in Schools is launching the first round of our Kids Eat Mushrooms, Too! Recipe Contest. The first launch is targeted for our audience working in day care centers or at home. Visit our website to share out this contest.

Tools to Use:

  • Mushrooms in Schools has many nutrition education resources for all age ranges of children. For a quick resource to share out, use our website which highlights key resources for our CACFP audience.


  • Prepare for Recipe Contest for Audience
  • Attend the National CACFP Conference and Head Start Conference
  • Highlight Schools that Incorporate mushrooms on their menu


  • Launch the Recipe Contest for CACFP Audience/Prepare for the K12 Recipe Contest
  • Highlight Mushrooms in Schools resources for schools to connect mushrooms with community events and summer meals
  • Prepare for Upcoming School Nutrition Association ANC Conference

Marketing Summary

Notable Highlights for April


  • Impressions increased over 100% MoM due to a higher advertising investement
  • Mushroom recipes and vegetarians food were the top keywords for the month on Pinterest
    • Lions’ Mane Rice Bowl, Chimichurri Mushroom Tacos, Mushroom and White Bean Quinoa and Kale Salad were top recipes
  • Ages 55+ continues to be our top Pinterest audience, in line with the makeup of our target audience of Heavy Mushroom Shoppers.


  • The Mushroom Monday restaurant sign-up form saw a significant increase in clicks  and engagements after launching the Mushroom Monday B2B campaign
  • April was the month with the highest number of post saves in the past year.
  • Facebook spend was up more than 300% YoY which helped drive an increase in impressions and engagements
  • Instagram spend was up more than 900% YoY which helped drive an increase in impressions and link clicks
  • Influencer impressions and engagements increased significantly in April through partnerships with three influencers who posted on TikTok and Instagram
*YouTube engagement metrics have changed. Digital metrics are constantly evolving, so we created our own updated Engagement metrics (comments + shares + likes + dislikes + subscribers lost + subscribers gained)

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